Ce spun clientii,
Dovada a rezultatelor obtinute.
(…) a fost o placere sa lucram cu Adrian. Experienta cat si metodele aplicate au contribuit la multe din rezultatele noastre. Modul tau de a antrena tinerii manageri a avut un rol important in castigarea auto-increderii , cat si in orientarea mai buna spre rezultate integrand rolul important al resurselor umane.
Melinda Mathe, HR director NTN-SNR
During the time spent in our factory and through the work performed by Mr. Oprea, it has become clear that he is a specialist with understanding of specific technical details and the ability to recognize issues that require management problem-solving decisions. Typically, Mr. Oprea`s approach is to present a number of options with pros and cons to aid the decision maker in making choices and in understanding and communicating the implications of that choice.
Mr. Oprea has proven to be a good organizer and also efficient in his tasks and interactions with employees, communication being a very important aspect in this case.
Bernd Böse - CEO, Astra Rail Industries SRL
Je tiens personnellement a vous remercier pour votre aide et votre méthodologie de résolution de problème et d`amélioration continue.
Par votre professionnalisme, vous avez contribué au changement de mentalité de l`atelier vers la recherche de la performance et de l`excellence.
Cependant, dans tous processus et dans toutes organisations, il faut savoir effectuer des changements permettant d`éviter de rentrer dans une routine et donner un second souffle a l`amélioration continue.
Alain Caillot, Director General, NTN-SNR Rulmenti
I have used Adrian’s consulting service for the last two years. He’s helped our company to improve productivity and decrease the personnel turnover. He is always there to answer my questions and provide new ideas.
Max Rossi - COO, CIAM spa COBO group
Am inceput colaborarea cu Adrian Oprea intr-un context in care cresterea volumului de productie parea imposibila si cererea era tot mai mare. Impreuna, in scurt timp am reusit sa depasim tintele initiale de volum si astfel am facut posibil “imposibilul”.Modul de lucru s-a pliat pe cultura organizatiei si a reusit sa colaboreze si sa atraga middle managementul productiei pentru atingerea si depasirea indicatorilor stabiliti. Surprinzator a fost ca, dupa inceperea colaborarii in primul sector, si ceilalti sefi de sectoare au cerut sa lucreze cu Adrian Oprea.
Ion Cucu - Director productie, NTN-SNR Rulmenti